Thursday, June 21, 2007

The very American LCD Soundsystem continues its indie-dance prowess

Originally published June 21, 2007 in Chico News & Review.
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LCD Soundsystem
Sound of Silver

Shame on you if you think LCD Soundsystem is from England. The outfit is headed by New Yorker James Murphy, who assures that he is from North America in “Northern American Scum,” the first single from Sound of Silver. However, the confusion is not unwarranted. LCD Soundsystem’s funky beats are heaven in any English club. Sound of Silver is not any ordinary dance-punk record. While dance music runs the risk of being accompanied by obnoxious, juvenile lyrics, Murphy overcomes this by including themes that range from relationships to politics. On “New York, I Love You but You’re Bringing Me Down,” Murphy comments on a well-known political figure without losing the infectious beat: “Your mild billionaire mayor’s now convinced he’s a king.” Every song is different. One minute you’re listening to what sounds like rhythmic pounding of pots and pans, and the next you’re listening to the ocean through a seashell. Murphy’s voice goes from soft and suave to excited and boastful. The great thing about this album is that it is fulfilling whether you’re taking it easy at home or out at a party.